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时间:2019-07-09 21:10:40 作者:徐庆路 来源:今日头条

 顺治通宝是清朝入关后正式铸行的第一种制钱,多为黄铜质,有极少数为青铜。早期顺治钱保留了明朝制钱工艺,使其版式具有明显的明朝钱币特征,而后期彻底从明朝制钱体系中脱离出来,建立了独有的清代制钱风格, 这在明清钱币演化中起到了承前启后的作用。在小五帝钱中,顺治通宝通宝存量稀少、世所罕见,收藏价值极大。

  Shunzhi Tongbao was the first type of money officially cast after the Qing Dynasty entered the customs. Most of them were brass and very few were bronze. In the early days, Shunzhi Qian retained the money-making process of the Ming Dynasty, so that its layout had obvious characteristics of the Ming Dynasty coins, and the latter completely separated from the Ming Dynasty money-making system, and established a unique Qing Dynasty money-making style, which was in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. The evolution of coins has played a role in the past and the future. Among the small five emperors, the Shunzhi Tongbao Tongbao is sparsely populated, rare in the world, and has a great collection value.


  这五枚顺治通宝钱币为背“满文”式,分别重:4.2g 直径:3.18cm;重:4.8g 直径:3.23cm;重:4.7g 直径:3.31cm;重:5g 直径:3.24cm;重:4.2g 直径:3.26cm。外圆内方、正面直读“顺治通宝”四字,钱背书写满文分列左右。钱币包浆浑厚入骨、质地坚硬光泽,纹路清晰、雕刻精美,顺治十四年(1657),户部题下令各省铸局一律停铸,仅由户部宝泉局与工部宝源铸背满文局名钱,非常值得收藏。

  The five Shunzhi Tongbao coins are backed by "Man Wen" type, weighing: 4.2g diameter: 3.18cm; weight: 4.8g diameter: 3.23cm; weight: 4.7g diameter: 3.31cm; weight: 5g diameter: 3.24cm; Weight: 4.2g Diameter: 3.26cm. Inside the outer circle, the front side reads the word "Shunzhi Tongbao" directly, and the money back is written in the full text "Baoquan". The coins are thick and thick, the texture is hard and lustrous, the lines are clear, and the carvings are exquisite. In the 14th year of Shunzhi (1657), the Ministry of Housing ordered all the cast bureaus of the province to stop casting, only the Baoquan Bureau of the Ministry of Housing and the Baoyuan of the Ministry of Construction The name of the text is very worthy of collection.



  The united war of the Qing regime led the casting of the previous Shunzhi money. It was a classic case and physical evidence of the evolution of wartime currency. From the coinage policy of the Shunzhi emperor, we can see that he is a good emperor who diligently loves the people, resigns the political affairs, and makes great efforts. Therefore, during the Shunzhi period, the country will be so rich and strong, and the economy will be so prosperous, so that the people can live and work in such a way.


  Shunzhi Qian is the second in China's history to complete the unification of the minority nationality to open the country, and to study the material of the minority and Han nationality coin culture. Shunzhi money is a set of silver and copper money dual-track currency solutions established after the establishment of the silver standard currency system. It is an important component of the study of currency silvering. The system of the Coinage Bureau is a major feature of the entire Qing Dynasty coin system, and it is also the embodiment of the development of the Chinese feudal coinage system to a more mature stage.


  Enrich art life and deliver artistic value! If you are interested in this group of 5 Shunzhi Tongbao, please contact Xuanyu (Guangzhou) Art Media Co., Ltd.!


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